Posts tagged Election.
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On December 16, 2022, a National Labor Relations Board (Board) majority (Members Kaplan and Ring) issued a Decision and Order holding that an employer’s conduct did not warrant setting aside a union election where the employer failed to strictly adhere to regulations requiring employers to provide unions a voter list comprised of employee names and contact information (commonly known as an Excelsior list).
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- Executive Order 13672
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- Fifth Circuit. Wage and hour
- Fight for 15
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- Final Rulemaking
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- FLSA/Wage & Hour
- FLSA; Collective Action; Class Action; Supreme Court; Sixth Circuit; Arbitration; NLRB
- Flu Vaccine
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- Form 1094-B
- Form 1094-C
- Form 1095-B
- Form 1095-C
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- Form W-2
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- Franchise Rule
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- Gender Sterotype
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- General Counsel Memo
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- Genetic Information
- Georgia
- Gig-Economy
- GINA Proposed Rules
- good faith offer
- Government Contractors
- Government Contracts
- Government Enforcement
- Government Litigation
- Government Shutdown
- Graphic Designer
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- Gratuity
- Greg Robertson
- Gregory B. Robertson
- Grievance Settlement Agreements
- Grooming Policies
- Gross Negligence
- Gross v. FBL Financial Services
- Group Health Plans
- Guidance
- Guide for Employers
- Guide for Wounded Veterans
- Guns
- H-1B
- H-1B Visa
- H-1B1
- H.R. 3200
- H.R. 4173
- H.R. 674
- Hair Discrimination
- Hampton Roads
- Hanover Insurance
- Harassment
- Harassment Policies
- Harassment Prevention
- Harassment Training
- Hardship Distribution
- Harvard
- HazCom
- HB 2127
- Health Care
- health care reform
- Health Coverage Reporting
- Health Insurance Carriers
- Health Insurance Exchange
- Health Plan Identifier
- Health Plans
- Health Reimbursement Arrangements
- Health Risk Assessment
- Health Workplaces
- Healthcare
- Healthy
- Healthy Families Act of 2014
- Heat
- Heat Rule
- Helix
- Hewitt
- highly-compensated
- Hilda Solis
- HIPAA Wellness Rules
- hiring
- Hiring and Monitoring Employees
- Hiring Policies
- Hiring Practices
- Hiring Test
- Holly Wiliamson
- Holly Williamson
- Home Care Workers
- Hostile Work Environment
- Hotel Industry
- Hotel Workers
- Hotels
- Hourly Wage
- Hourly Workers
- Hours Worked
- HR 620
- HRAs
- Human Capital Rule
- Human Trafficking
- Hunton Andrews Kurth
- Hy-Brand
- I-9
- I2P2
- Ian Band
- Illinois Drug Law
- Illinois Human Rights Act
- Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act
- Immigration
- Immigration & Customs Enforcement
- Immigration and Nationality Law Blog
- Immigration Ban
- Immunity Notice
- Implied Consent
- In Loco Parentis
- In-home Care
- In-Plan Roth Rollover
- Inclusive Communities Project
- Independent Contractor
- Independent Contractors
- Indoor Airspace
- Industry Shutdown
- Inevitable Disclosure
- Infectious Period
- Inflatable Rat
- Influence & Power in Law Awards
- Injury-in-Fact
- Institute for Workplace Equality
- Insurance Agents
- Insurance Coverage
- Insurance Recovery
- Interactive Process
- Interlocutory
- Intermittent Leave
- International Game
- Interns
- Interpretation Letters
- Interrogation
- Invasion of Privacy
- Invention
- Investigations
- Investigatory Interview
- Iqbal
- IRS Notice 2019-18
- Iskanian
- Isolation
- Itemized Listing
- J-1
- Jacqueline Berrien
- Jan Brewer
- Jarkesy
- Job Killers of 2019
- Job Posting
- Job postings
- Johnny Isakson
- Johnson & Johnson
- Joinder
- Joint Employer
- Joint Employment
- Jordan Barab
- Joy Silk
- Juan Enjamio
- Judge Hudson
- Judicial Estoppel
- Judicial Records
- Julia Trankiem
- Julia Trankiem; Los Angeles Business Journal; Awards
- Jurisdiction
- Jurisdictional Prerequisite
- Justin F. Paget
- Katherine Sandberg
- Katie Cole
- Kentucky River
- Kevin M. Eckhardt
- Kevin White
- Kin Care Law
- Knowles
- Kurt Larkin
- Kurt Powell
- L-1
- LA Times
- Labor
- Labor and Employment
- Labor and Pensions
- Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Labor Certification
- Labor Code
- Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act of 2004
- Labor Code Section 558
- Labor Code §2801
- Labor Contractor Employee Report
- Labor Dispute
- Labor law
- Labor Management Relations Act
- Labor Regulations
- Labor Relations
- Labor Rights
- Labor Unions
- Labor-Management Relations
- Lactation Policies
- Lafe Solomon
- Lanham Act
- Lawdragon
- Layoff
- Layoff Avoidance
- Leadership Atlanta
- Leave
- Leave Law
- Leaves of Absence
- Legal 500
- Legal Standing
- Legislation
- Legislative (federal & State) Developments
- Legislative (Federal and State) Developments
- Legislative Developments
- legislative updates
- Lewis v. City of Chicago
- LGBT Rights
- LGBTQ Rights
- Liability
- Lieselot Whitbeck
- LiftFund
- Light Duty
- Lilly Ledbetter Act
- Lincoln Lutheran
- Linda Puchala
- Lloyds
- Local Ordinances
- Loper-Bright
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles Business Journal
- Los Angeles County
- Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
- Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring
- Los Angeles Times
- Loss of Business Income
- Lung Disease
- Lutheran Heritage
- Lyft
- M-1
- M. Brett Burns
- Mach Mining
- machine learning
- Machine-Learning
- Mail Ballot
- Majority
- manageability
- Manager Rule
- mandate
- mandates
- Mandatory Closure
- Mandatory Vaccination
- Mariana Aguliar
- Marijuana
- Marijuana Laws
- Marijuana Possession
- Mark Pearce
- Marvin E. Kaplan
- Mary Kay Henry
- mask
- Mass Layoff
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Super Lawyer
- Massachusetts Wage Act
- Masterpiece Cakeshop
- McDonnell Douglas v. Green
- McLaren Macomb
- McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch
- Meal and Rest Breaks
- meal breaks
- Meal Period
- Meal Periods
- Meat Processing
- Med Trends
- Media Policies
- Media Policy
- Mediation
- Medical Clinics
- medical examinations
- Medical Marijuana
- Medical Records
- Medicare Tax
- Member Kaplan
- Member Ring
- Memo
- Memorandum
- Memorandum GC 19-01
- Mere Negligence
- Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Michael Levine
- Michele Beilke
- Micro Units
- Micro-Unions
- Middle Class Task Force
- Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
- Military Leave
- Millea v. Metro-North Railroad
- Miller & Anderson
- Minimum Wage
- Miscarriage
- Misclassification
- Missouri
- Mitigation
- Mixed Motive
- Mobile Application
- Mobility
- Model Employer
- Mootness
- Motion to Dismiss
- Mulhall v. UNITE HERE
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Natalie Tynan
- National Emphasis Program
- National Labor Relations Act
- National Labor Relations Board
- National Law Journal
- National Law Review
- National Mediation Board
- National Origin
- National Origin Discrimination
- National Retail Federation
- Nebraska
- Negligence
- Neil Gorsuch
- Neutrality
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- new law
- New Legislation
- New Process Steel
- New Star
- New York
- New York City
- New York City Human Rights Law
- New York Employment Laws
- New York Essential Business
- New York Human Rights Law
- New York Law
- New York Local Law 50
- New York Paid Vaccination Leave
- News & Events
- Ninth Circuit
- NLRB Poster
- NLRB; NLRA; Labor Law; Union; Collective Bargaining; Workplace Rights
- NLRB; Property Rights; Misclassification
- NLRB; Union; Collective Bargaining Agreement
- No-Poach Agreements
- No-Rehire
- Noah’s Ark
- Noel Canning
- non-binary
- Non-Compete
- Non-Compete Agreements
- Non-Competes
- Non-disclosure
- Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Non-discrimination
- Non-disparagement
- Non-Unit Employees
- Nonbinary Gender
- noncompete agreements
- Nondisclosure
- Notice 2010-84
- Notice 2012-9
- Notice 2013-74
- Notice 2014-19
- notice requirements
- Numerosity
- Numerosity Requirement
- Nursing Mothers
- Oakwood Healthcare
- Obamacare
- Obergefell v. Hodges
- Obesity
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- OFCCP Compliance; Affirmative Action; Agency Developments; Veteran Hiring
- OFCCP Developments
- OFCCP v. Florida Hospital of Orlando
- Off Duty Conduct
- Off-label Marketing
- Off-the-Clock Work
- Offer Of Judgment
- Offshoring
- omicron
- Ondray Harris
- Ondray T. Harris
- Online Accessibility
- Opinion Letters
- Opiod
- Opportunity to Compete Act
- Ordinary Disease of Life
- Oregon
- Organ Donor
- Organizing
- Organizing and the NLRB
- OSHA Developments
- Outbreak
- Outsourcing
- Overtime
- overtime exemption
- Overtime Exemptions
- Overtime Pay
- Overtime Regulations
- Overtime Rule
- Overtime Wages
- Oxford Health Plans
- Paid Family Leave
- Paid Family Medical Leave
- Paid Interns
- Paid Leave
- Paid Sick Leave
- paid time off
- Paid Vaccine Leave
- Pandemic
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Parental Leave
- Patent
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Patricia Shiu
- Pattern and Practice
- Paulsen v. Renaissance Equity Holdings
- Pay
- Pay and Promotions
- Pay Data
- pay disclosure
- Pay Discrimination
- Pay Equity
- Pay Reporting
- pay scale
- Pay Secrecy
- Pay Transparency
- Pay/Compensation
- Paycheck Deductions
- Paycheck Fairness Act
- Paycheck Protection Program
- Payroll Audit Independent Determination Program
- Payroll Debit Cards
- Payroll Taxes
- PCC Structurals
- Penalties
- Penalty
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act
- Pension Plans
- Peoplemark
- PeopleSmart
- Perfectly Clear Doctrine
- Perfectly Clear Successor
- Performance and Accountability Report
- Period of Restoration
- Personal Jurisdiction
- Personal Jurisdiction; FLSA; Class Actions; Collective Action; General Jurisdiction; Specific Jurisdiction; Rule 23
- Personnel Policies
- Personnel Records
- Persuader Activity
- Persuader Agreements
- Persuader Rule
- Peter B. Robb
- Peter Schaumber
- Peter Sung Ohr
- Petition
- Phaladelphia Fair Practices Ordinance
- Philadelphia
- Pier 1 Imports
- Pitts v. Terrible Herbst
- Pizza Hut
- plan sponsors
- Policies
- Portal-to-Portal Act
- Position Statement
- Post-Accident
- Poster Rule
- Poway Academy
- PPACA Checklist
- PPACA Timeline
- Practical Training
- Pre-Adverse Action Notice
- Pre-Adverse Action Requirements
- Precedent
- Predictable Scheduling
- Preemption
- Pregnancy Disability Leave
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Pregnancy Leave
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- Preliminary Injunction
- Premium Pay
- Prenatal Leave
- Prescription Drug
- Prescription Drugs
- Prescription Medication
- Presidential Election
- Prevailing Wage
- Primary Beneficiary Test
- Prior Salary
- Privacy
- Private Equity Fund
- Privilege
- PRO Act
- Procedure
- Profanity
- Professional Responsibility
- Profiles in Diversity
- Progressive Discipline
- prohibition
- project labor agreement
- Property Rights
- Proposed Rule
- Proposed Rulemaking
- Proposed Rules
- Proposition 22
- Protected Activities
- Protected Activity
- Protected Concerted Activity
- Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act
- Protective Order
- Protest
- provision
- Public Accommodation
- Public Accommodations
- Public Bargaining
- Public Charge
- Public Entity
- Public Policy
- PUMP Act
- Punitive Damages
- Purchase Agreements
- Purple Communications
- Qualified Plans
- Quarantine
- Questioning
- Quickie Election
- Quickie Elections
- Race Discrimination
- Racial Equity
- Range
- Raytheon
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Reasonable Accommodations
- Recess Appointments
- Recordkeeping
- recruiting
- Reduction-in-Force
- Register Guard
- Regular Rate
- Regular Rate of Pay
- Regulation
- Regulations
- Regulatory Compliance
- Rehabilitation Act
- Reilly Moore
- Reimbursement
- Reimbursements
- release
- Religion
- Religious Accommodation
- Religious accommodation; Title VII; SCOTUS; Supreme Court; Third Circuit
- Religious Accommodations
- Religious Beliefs
- Religious Discrimination
- Religious Freedom Restoration Act
- Religious Institutions
- remedies
- Remote Work
- remote workforce
- Reopen Workplace
- Reopening Business
- Reopening Workplace
- Repeal
- report
- Reporting
- Reporting of Group Health Plans
- Reporting Pay
- Representation Election
- Representation Elections
- Representation Fairness Restoration Act
- Reprisal
- Reproductive Loss Event
- Reproductive Loss Leave
- Reproductive Rights
- Rescind
- rest breaks
- Restaurant
- Restaurant Industry
- Restaurants
- Restoring Balance and Fairness to the National Labor Relations Board
- restriction
- Restrictive Covenants
- Restrictive Covenants Act
- Retail
- Retail Litigation Center
- Retaliation
- Retirement Plans
- Retirement Savings
- Return to Work
- Revenue Procedure 2013-12
- Revenue Ruling 2014-9
- Reverse Discrimination
- Ricci v. DeStefano
- Richard Griffin
- RIFs
- right of first refusal
- Right to Disconnect
- Right to Know
- Right to Work
- Right-To-Sue
- Rising Star
- Rite Aid and Lamons Gasket
- Robert Quackenboss
- Roland Juarez
- Roland Juarez; Los Angeles Business Journal
- Roland M. Juarez
- Rollovers
- Roth
- Rounding Policy
- Rounding Time
- Rule 23
- Rule 68 Offer
- Rule-Making
- Rulemaking
- Ryan A. Glasgow
- Ryan Bates
- Ryan Glasgow
- Sabbath
- Safety
- Safety Incentives
- Salary
- Salary Basis Test
- Salary History
- Salary History Bans
- Salary History Inquiries
- Salary Inquiry
- Salary Reduction
- Sales Commissions
- Same-Sex
- Same-sex couples
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance
- Sanjee Weliwitigoda
- Sara Harlow
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- SB 459
- SB 553
- SB 95
- SB-973
- Scabby
- Scale
- Scheduling Letter
- Schneiderman
- School Closings
- Scope Of Coverage
- Scott Brown
- Scott Nelson
- Sealed Records
- Second Circuit
- Secondary Boycotts
- Section 125
- Section 1557
- Section 1983
- Section 203
- Section 2802
- Section 302
- Section 7
- Section 7 Rights
- Secure Scheduling
- Security
- Security Screenings
- Seff v. Broward County
- Self-Insured Health Plans
- Senate Bill 1162
- Separation Agreements
- Settlement
- Settlement Agreement
- Settlement Agreements
- Settlement Disclosure
- Seventh Amendment
- Seventh Circuit
- severance
- Severance Agreements
- Severance Payments
- Severe Injury Report
- Sex Discrimination
- Sex-based Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Orientation
- Shaena Rowland
- Shannon S. Broome
- Sharon Block
- Sharon Goodwyn
- Shelter in Place
- Short-Time Compensation Program
- Shutdowns
- Sick Leave
- Sick Pay
- Silica Standards
- Single employer
- SIR Dashboard
- Siren Retail
- Sixth Circuit
- Slow the Spread
- Social Distancing
- Social Media
- Social Media Evidence
- Social Media Policy
- Solicitation Policy
- Solicitation/Distribution Policy
- Southern California Pizza Co.
- Speak Out Act
- Specialty Healthcare
- Specific Jurisdiction
- Spirituality Programs
- Spokeo
- Spoliation
- Spousal Rights
- Standard of Review
- Standing
- Staples
- Starbucks
- state court
- state legislation
- Statistical Audits
- Statute of Limitations
- Statute of Repose
- Statutes of Limitations
- Staub v. Proctor Hospital
- Stay Violations
- Steering Claims
- Stengart v. Loving Care Agency
- Stephen Pattison
- Stewart Acuff
- Stillborn
- Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Plan
- Stray Markings
- Stray Remarks
- Strike
- Strike Plans
- Strike Tactics
- Students for Fair Admissions
- SUB Payments
- Subcommittee on Health
- Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
- Subpoena
- Subpoena Duces Tecum
- Substantial Compliance
- Successor Bargaining Duty
- Successor Company
- Successor Employer
- Successor Employer Duty to Bargain
- Successor Liability
- Suitable Seating
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- Super Lawyers
- Supervisor
- Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
- Supply Chain
- Supreme Court
- Susan Wiltsie
- Suspension
- Suzan Kern
- Systemic Discrimination
- Systemic Enforcement
- Taxpayer Responsibility Accountability and Consistency Act
- Technatomy Corporation
- Telecommuting
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act
- Telework
- Temporary Employees
- Temporary Reinsurance Program
- Temporary Workers
- Tenth Circuit
- Terence Connor
- Terrence Flynn
- Tesla
- Test Factor
- Testing
- Texas
- Texas Constitution
- Texas Lawyer
- Texas Legal Awards
- Texas Mutual v. Ruttiger
- Texas Regulatory Consistency Act
- Texting
- The Board
- The Boeing Company
- The Opportunity to Work Ordinance
- Third Circuit
- Third-party Liability
- Thompson v. North American Stainless
- Thriving in Their 40s
- Time Rounding
- Timekeeping
- Tip
- Tip Credit
- Tip Pooling
- Tip Sharing
- Tipped Employees
- Tipped Workers
- Tipping Policies
- Tips
- Title III
- Title IX
- Title VII
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Tolling
- Top Insurance Cases
- Trade Secrets
- Trade Secrets & Non-Competes
- Trademark
- Traditional labor
- Trailblazer
- Training
- Training Programs
- Transgender
- Transgender Rights
- Transparency
- TransUnion
- Tratree
- Traxler v. Multnomah County
- Tri-Cast
- Trial Management
- Trucking Industry
- Trump
- Trump Administration
- Trump Rule
- Tyler S. Laughinghouse
- Typicality Requirement
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate Finance Committee
- Uber
- Uber Drivers
- ULP Charge
- Unconscionability Doctrine
- Undocumented Workers
- undue hardship
- Unemployment
- Unemployment Benefits
- Unemployment Compensation
- Unemployment Discrimination
- Unemployment Insurance
- Unfair Labor Charge
- Unfair Labor Practice
- Unfair Labor Practices
- Uniform Glossary
- Unilateral Change
- Union
- Union Apparel
- Union Button
- Union Dues
- Union Election
- Union Elections
- Union Information Request
- Union Insignia
- Union Logo
- Union Organizing
- Union Organizing and the NLRB
- Union Rat
- Union Representation
- Union Representation Elections
- Union Sticker
- Unions
- United States v. Windsor
- University of North Carolina
- Unlawful Insistence
- Unlimited Vacation
- Unsuccessful Assisted Reproduction
- UPMC Braddock
- US
- US Chamber of Commerce
- US Supreme Court
- USAction
- Use or Lose Rule
- Vacation
- Vacation Pay
- Vacation Scheduling
- Vaccination
- Vaccine
- Vaccine Incentives
- Vaccines
- Valley Hospital Medical Center
- Variant
- Venue
- Veterans Preference Act
- VETS-100A
- VETS-4212
- Victoria Lipnic
- Video
- Viking River
- Virginia
- Virginia Business Magazine
- Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
- Virginia Employment Legislation
- Virginia Human Rights Act
- Virginia Labor Law
- Virginia Law
- Virginia Lawyers Weekly
- Virginia Marijuana Laws
- Virginia Overtime Wage Act
- Virginia Wage Payment Act
- Virginial Lawyers Weekly
- Virus
- Visa Waiver
- Vital Industry
- Volks Rule
- Voluntary Incentive
- Voter List
- VW
- Wage & Hour
- Wage and Hour
- Wage and Hour Exclusion
- Wage Equality Act
- Wage Fixing
- Wage Inquiries
- Wage Investigation
- Wage Payment
- Wage Penalties
- Wage Reduction
- Wage Statement
- Wage Theft
- Wage Theft Prevention Act
- Wage Transparency
- Waiter
- Waiting Period Rules
- Waiver
- Waivers
- walk around
- Walling v. Portland Terminal
- Wang v. Chinese Daily News
- WARN Act
- Washington DC
- We Can Help
- Weapons
- Web Accessibility
- Web Designer
- Webinar
- Website
- Website Accessibility
- Weight Restrictions
- Weingarten
- Wellness Programs
- Wesson
- West Virginia Workplace Freedom Act
- Whistleblower
- Whistleblower Protections
- Whistleblowers
- White Collar Exemption
- William Emanuel
- William J. Emanuel
- Wilma Liebman
- Windsor Decision
- Withdrawal of Recognition
- withholding requirements
- Witness Statements
- Women
- Women In Leadership
- Women of Influence
- Women’s Equality Act
- Work Schedule
- Work Transfers
- Work-Sharing
- Worker Misclassification
- Worker Protection
- Worker Safety
- Workers Bill of Rights
- Workers Compensation
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Workplace AI
- Workplace Diversity
- Workplace Investigations
- Workplace Monitoring
- Workplace Policies
- Workplace Privacy
- Workplace Rules
- Workplace Safety
- Workplace Technology
- Workplace Violence
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- WR Reserve
- Wrongful Discharge
- Year In Review
- Jessica N. Agostinho
- Walter J. Andrews
- Ian P. Band
- Ryan M. Bates
- Theanna Bezney
- Jesse D. Borja
- Brian J. Bosworth
- Jason P. Brown
- M. Brett Burns
- Daniel J. Butler
- Christopher J. Cunio
- Jacqueline Del Villar
- Kimberlee W. DeWitt
- Robert T. Dumbacher
- Raychelle L. Eddings
- Elizabeth England
- Juan C. Enjamio
- Karen Jennings Evans
- Geoffrey B. Fehling
- Jason Feingertz
- Katherine Gallagher
- Ryan A. Glasgow
- Meredith Gregston
- Kevin Hahm
- Eileen Henderson
- Kirk A. Hornbeck
- J. Marshall Horton
- Roland M. Juarez
- Keenan Judge
- Suzan Kern
- Elizabeth King
- Stephen P. Kopstein
- Leslie W. Kostyshak
- Torsten M. Kracht
- James J. La Rocca
- Kurt G. Larkin
- Jordan Latham
- Tyler S. Laughinghouse
- Michael S. Levine
- Michelle S. Lewis
- Brandon Marvisi
- Lorelie S. Masters
- Reilly C. Moore
- Michael J. Mueller
- J. Drei Munar
- Alyce Ogunsola
- Andrea Oguntula
- Christopher M. Pardo
- Michael A. Pearlson
- Adriana A. Perez
- Kurt A. Powell
- Robert T. Quackenboss
- D. Andrew Quigley
- Michael Reed
- Jennifer A. Reith
- Amber M. Rogers
- Alexis Zavala Romero
- Zachary Roop
- Adam J. Rosser
- Katherine P. Sandberg
- Cary D. Steklof
- C. Randolph Sullivan
- Veronica A. Torrejón
- Debra Urteaga
- Emily Burkhardt Vicente
- Kevin J. White
- Holly H. Williamson
- Susan F. Wiltsie